Monday, June 9, 2014

My Baby Boy Graduated from Pre-school

My baby boy graduated from pre-school. It seems unreal to me that next school year I'll have 3 kids riding a bus to school and gone all day. I'm a little sentimental about it right now.  He's my baby boy.  I still have my baby girl at home but I know soon enough I'll be writing a post about her getting ready to start school.

I work part-time outside of my home.  I work mornings so, when I come home at lunch time both  him and my baby girl are greeting me at the door.  Then hubby heads off to work. As sentimental as I am now I think it's really going to hit me that first week he isn't there when I get home.

The graduation was nice.  His teacher called each child up individually.  They got a cute little certificate and she gave them an extra award and picked something nice to say about each kid.  My son got a special award for recognizing his written name and counting to 10.  They had cookies and punch afterward and they had a bunch of pictures up from school days.  We were allowed to take ones we wanted that had our child in them.  I grabbed a few.

So mommas help me out.  How did you deal with your kids "growing up" milestones?  Cause this momma just might cry.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Letting Them Make a Mess..Have You Ever?

Follow my blog with Bloglovin As a mom of 4 there is a lot of stuff to do.  Loads of laundry, plenty of cleaning, getting ready for school activities, etc.  I also work part-time outside my home and run 2 blogs.  Every once in a while I just want to buy 15 minutes for myself to just have me time.  Blogging is my me time.

I had taken a planned day off of my day job today to attend my youngest son's preschool graduation.  I got some housework done, cooked supper, and caught up on blog correspondence.  My baby girl had been whiny all day.  Poor girl has teeth coming in.  I had given her tylenol, put on her amber teething necklace, tried to hold her and comfort her for a while.  I gave her things to teeth on, tried a pacifier.  Nothing was making her happy.  I finally decided to take a breather and blog I noticed she stopped fussing.

You know what they say, when they're quiet they're up to something.  So of course I go to check on her.  This is what I find.

She got into some of the Campbells label and box top stash I had been saving for the school.  She had them everywhere but she was enjoying herself.  Somehow she also got a hold of a box of rice.  She was so entertained with it.  I figured, she can't hurt herself with it so I let her go.  It was the first time she was content all day and I was able to attend to something else for a few minutes.

Have you ever let your child do something you wouldn't normally just to get a moments peace?